Frequently Asked Questions
Norfolk Homeopathy for Whole Health
What should I expect during my first appointment?
At your first appointment, lasting about 2 hours, I will ask you questions about your symptoms, medical history, energy levels, appetite, sleep, personality traits and much more in order to build up a detailed case history so that I can determine the correct homeopathic prescription for you. This process takes place in a relaxed, caring and confidential environment. Your prescription is included in the consultation fee and will usually be sent by post. It will be in either tablet or liquid form with full instructions included on how to take it.
What happens after my first appointment?
An initial follow-up appointment, lasting about an hour, is then scheduled one month after your first appointment in order to see how you are progressing and if further treatment is needed. Further appointments will be scheduled as necessary according to the nature of the illness and your progress. Any further prescriptions, included in the consultation fee, will either be sent by post or given at the consultation, with full instructions.
How long will it take for my condition to improve?
There is no set length of time for a course of treatment - some conditions can clear up very quickly, some take longer. The general rule is that the longer you have had the symptoms or conditions and the more serious the condition, the longer treatment usually takes. As a guide, monthly appointments are made for about three months and then further appointments, if necessary, are scheduled at longer intervals as your health improves.
Where do consultations take place?
Generally I see patients at my home in South Norfolk, but if needed I can see patients in their own home, depending on location, for a small extra fee. I often see children 5 years & under in their own home, especially for a first consultation. I also do consultations by Zoom.
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy was founded over 200 years ago by a German doctor - Samuel Hahnemann. It has since been developed and refined by many other homeopaths and homeopathic doctors into a complete system of medicine, based on sound scientific principles. It uses minute doses of a substance which, when given in large doses, would create the actual symptoms the patient is suffering from. Hence the saying that homeopathy "treats like with like". Remedies are prescribed for the whole person and not just the disease. It is a highly respected system of medicine, used all over the world.
What are homeopathic remedies made from and are they safe?
There are thousands of different homeopathic remedies made from all sorts of different substances. Though mostly made from minerals and plants, any substance can potentially be made into a homeopathic remedy. In all cases, remedies are made by a special method called potentisation in which the original substance is repeatedly diluted and then vigorously shaken until all toxicity of the original substance has been removed, whilst retaining and increasing the power to heal the sick person. Remedies are then tested on healthy human volunteers. This makes homeopathy a very safe, gentle and effective system of medicine.
Can homeopathy treat serious diseases?
Yes, potentially homeopathy can be used to treat any type of illness: physical, mental or emotional; and from comparatively minor ailments to very serious disease conditions. Whilst undergoing homeopathic treatment, if I am at all concerned that the condition is serious, I will advise you to seek medical advice. Homeopathy is completely compatible with conventional medicines and treatments and can be taken alongside these conventional treatments.
Can acute ailments be treated with homeopathy?
Many people choose homeopathy for primary health management, rather than routinely seeing a GP. If you need help for an acute or infectious disease, or after accidents, operations or dental work for example, you can call me between 9am and 5pm for advice. Simple advice is free for existing patients, but if the symptoms need in-depth consideration or you are not an existing patient, I charge a fee of between £30 and £60, depending on the nature of the problem. In general, I only treat existing patients for acute ailments as I know their health history which may have a bearing on the prescription for the acute ailment. If I am at all concerned that the condition is serious, I will advise you to also seek advice from your GP or A&E department.
Can I call you in between appointments?
You can call me weekdays between 11am and 3pm if you have any queries or worries about your treatment. For help with an acute or infectious disease that requires more than simple advice over the phone, I usually charge a consultation fee of between £30 and £60 depending on the nature of the problem.
Can I bring someone with me to my consultations?
Normally, patients age 16 and over would see me unaccompanied. However, if the patient wishes to have someone with them during a consultation, such as a spouse or partner, parent, sibling or friend, this is absolutely fine. In cases of physical or mental disability it is often preferable for someone to be with the patient in the consultation.
What about consultations for young people?
Children aged 11 years and under: are always accompanied by a parent or guardian. I often see children 5 years & under in their own home as it is more relaxing and familiar for the child. Snacks and toys can be brought to the consultation. Siblings should not be present at the consultation.
Young people between ages 11 and 16: would normally be accompanied by a parent or guardian unless all parties consent to the young person seeing me alone. In these cases the parent or guardian would need to be informed of the consultation.
Young people age 16 to 18: can choose whether they would like a parent or guardian to accompany them. All information is treated as totally confidential; but if I feel something should be shared with the parent or guardian, I will always ask consent from the young person.
What payment methods can I use?
I accept full payment for each appointment by cash on the day, or by bank transfer or Bitcoin. If paying by bank transfer or Bitcoin, the prescription will be sent after the funds have been transferred to my account. I don't accept credit cards or PayPal.